2 mei 2012

Free Basket with Spring Flowers

For all countries [:
1)Log in and Go this contest:http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=2675
2)Answer the quiz (can be randomly chosen) and Click Enter Competition button
Flowers should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

Free Queen's Day Crown

~If you are from Netherlands - Log in and enter THIScompetition.
~ If you're not from Netherlands - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Dutch web proxy like
surfanoniem.nl OR proxy.virtuaos.com OR proxyin.nl (thanks to edb41250)
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Click on one of your photos
6. Click Send To Competition button (it might take a while)
7. Wait till page loads. You should see ' Your contest entry has been submitted' text
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The crown should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

29 april 2012

Free Mirror

~If you are from Portugal- Log in and enter THIS competition.
~If you're not from Portugal- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Portuguese proxy like
proxy.cstools.net OR proxy-pt.stardoll-blog.de
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Complete the quiz with random anwsers
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The mirror should be in a Starplaza box in your suite.

Free Piccing Dress

~ If your are from USA- Log in and click HERE. Fill out the form with fake information and register at Piccing.
~If you're not from USA- Follow these steps:
1. Go to this USA proxy
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log in to Stardoll
5. Now click HERE
6. A registration form should pop-up. Fill in the blank spaces with fake information (the e-mail should have a valid ending, for example: kjhjlg@mail.com)
9. Once you have filled all the fields, click the green Join Piccing button.
10. If you've done everything correctly, the registration form will disappear and you'll see a bunch of photos.
11. You can now close the page and go to Stardoll as usual.
The dress should be in a Piccing bag in your suite.

25 april 2012

Free Butterfly Decoration

~If you are from Poland - Log in and enter a contest HERE.
~If you're not from Poland - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to this Polish proxy
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Idz or hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Click on one of your photos
6. Click Send To Competition button
7. Wait till page loads. You should see ' Your contest entry has been submiteed' text.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The decoration should be in a Starplaza box in your suite.

Free Vase with Carnations

-If you are from Portugal - Log in and Enter contest HERE
-If you aren't from Portugal - Follow these steps:
1)Go to a Portuguese proxy like
proxy.cstools.net OR pt.stardoll-blog.eu/
2)Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3)Click Navegar/Go or simply Hit enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Write any letter/word for Subject and Text
6)Click Enter Competition button
7)Wait till page reloads with text - Your contest entry has been submitted (may take a while)
8) Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual.
Vase should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

23 april 2012

free Children's Day T-Shirt

This contest is available in all countries.
1. Log in to Stardoll
2. Click HERE
3. Select a photo, click on it.
4. Click Send to competition button
5. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest enrty has been submitted' text.

Free I♥Turkey T-Shirt

At the moment the contest can bee seen in all countires, but it's probabaly just a glitch.
~If you are from Turkey- Log in and enter THIS competition.
~If you're not from Turkey - Follow the steps below:
1. Log in to Stardoll
2. Click HERE
3. Complete the quiz with random anwsers
4. Click Enter Competition button
5. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest enrty has been submitted' text.

If you can't see the competition in your country, follow these steps:
1. Go to a Turkish proxy like
gizlibak.com OR bypasstunnels.info OR httpdserver.info ORproxy-tr.stardoll-blog.de
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Complete the quiz with random anwsers
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest enrty has been submitted' text.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The T-Shirt should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite

Free ATBR Gift Skirt

1. Log in to Stardoll
2. Go HERE and Create a party that's open to all.
You should find the skirt in a Zil Çalınca bag in your suite

Free Austin&Ally Piano

-If you live in UK - Log in and Join Austin&Ally club HERE
-If you don't live in UK Follow these steps:
1)Go to UK proxy like
goproxing.com OR notaproxy.co.uk OR slygeek.com/ OR unblocker.biz/ OR militaryprox.info/ OR uhuf.com
2)Paste club link into the blank box of the proxy site
3)Click Go OR just Hit Enter
4)Log in stardoll, Wait till page loads
5)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Piano should be in a Austin&Ally bag in your suite

19 april 2012

The Lucky One Gift Dog

~If you are from the UK - Follow the steps below, just don't use a proxy.
~If you're not from the UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like:
webypass.info OR docoja.com/blue OR proxay.co.uk ORuhuf.com
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. You should find this on the page:

Now select one of your friends, then click Invite. A box with this text should pop up: Message sent. Invite 4 more friends to get Zeus.
6. Invite 4 more friends to the club. After inviting the 5th one this box should pop up:
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
You should find the dog in The Lucky One bag in your suite

Free Austin & Ally Microphone

~If you are from the UK - Log in to Stardoll and you'll find it in your suite.
~If you're not from the UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like:
notaproxy.co.uk OR goproxing.com OR uhuf.com
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Wait till page loads
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The microphone should be in a Austin & Ally bag in your suite

16 april 2012

Free ATBR Gift Jacket

~If you are from Turkey- Log in and click HERE.
~ If you're not from Turkey - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Turkish proxy like
gizlibak.com OR bypasstunnels.info OR httpdserver.info ORproxy-tr.stardoll-blog.de
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below to the upper box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Wait till page loads. You should be redirected to Zil Çalınca page
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The jacket should be in a Zil Çalınca bag in your suite

13 april 2012

Free Joon Girl Bottle

~If your are from USA- Log in and click HERE.
~If you're not from USA - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a USA proxy like:
proxite.us OR sslpro.org OR ubertunnel.com OR turbohide.comOR bypassthe.net
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log in to Stardoll
5. Wait till page loads
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The bottle should be in a Joon bag in your suite

Free Joon Girl Pillow

~ If your are from USA- Log in and click HERE.
~If you're not from USA- Follow these steps:
1. Go to a USA proxy like:
proxite.us OR sslpro.org OR ubertunnel.com OR turbohide.comOR bypassthe.net
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log in to Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
6. Click Go/Surf or just hit Enter on your keyboard
7. You should be redirected to the Joon page, wait till it fully loads.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The pillow should be in a Joon bag in your suite

Free Lamp

~If you are from USA/UK/Canada/Ireland (tell me in comments if this competition is also available in any other countries)- Log in and enter THIS competition.
- If your are from Germany - Log in and enter THIS competition.
- If your are from Portugal- Log in and enter THIS competition.~If you're not from the countries mentioned above - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a USA proxy like:
proxite.us OR sslpro.org OR ubertunnel.com OR turbohide.comOR bypassthe.net
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log in to Stardoll
5. Click on one of your photos
6. Click Send To Competition button
7. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The lamp should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

10 april 2012

Free Egg Basket

~If you are from Sweden - Log in and enter a competition HERE
~If you are from Germany- Log in and enter a competition HERE
~If you're not from Sweden or Germany- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a German proxy like
3proxy.de/ OR rxproxy.com/ OR proxy-de.stardoll-blog.de/ ORmouseproxy.com
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Fill in the two blank boxes with anything
6. Click Enter Competition button.
7. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submiteed' text.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The egg basket should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

Free NRT Gift Dog

-If you are from UK - Enter contest HERE
-If you're not from UK - Follow these steps:
1)Go to a UK proxy like:
goproxing.com OR filterskip.com OR slygeek.com/ OR notaproxy.co.uk OR uhuf.com
2)Paste this contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3)Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4)Log in Stardoll
5)Click Enter competition button - No need to write anything
6)Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual
Dog should be in a Rhythm Thief bag in your suite

Free Easter Chicken

-If you live in Czech Republic or Slovakia, Log in and Enter contest HERE
-If you don't live in there, Follow these steps -
1)Go to Czech web proxy like
czproxy.eu/ OR freeproxy.cz OR skproxy.com/
2)Paste contest link in the Web Address box of the proxy
3)Click Enter/Go OR Hit Enter
4)Log in stardoll
5)Write anything in those two text boxes and Click Enter Competition button
Then wait till loads with text 'Your contest entry has been submitted'
6)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Decoration should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

Free TFL Tree and Bag

-If you are from UK - Log in, Go to HERE and Do the 5th and 6th step --If you're not from UK - Follow all the steps:
1)Go to a UK proxy like:
youtube-proxy.biz OR 3xover.us OR fishproxy.com OR uhuf.com
2)Paste this campaign link into the blank box of the proxysite
3)Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4)Log in Stardoll (and you have the tree)
5)For the bag - Choose any friend and Click Invite button
6)For jacket - Click the Like button on page UPDATING -- SEEMINGLY THIS DOESN'T WORK, SO I WILL MAKE A NEW POST ABOUT JACKET - if we will find a way how to get it with a proxy
7)Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual
Items should be in a Stop.Think.Win bag in your suite

5 april 2012

Free Candle

-If you live in Netherlands, Log in and Enter contest HERE
-If you don't live in Netherlands, Follow these steps -
1)Go to Dutch web proxy like
surfert.nl/ OR proxyin.nl OR n-go.net/
2)Paste contest link in the Web Address box of the proxy
3)Click Surf/Go OR Hit Enter
4)Log in stardoll
5)Write anything in those two text boxes and Click Enter Competition button
Then wait till loads with text 'Your contest entry has been submitted'
6)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Candle should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

Free Emerald Necklace

-If you are from Russia, Log in and Go to contest by HERE and Enter ir
-If you aren't from Russia, Follow these steps:
1)Go to Russian proxy like
nlproxy.ru OR uu.tj OR besplatno.tomsk.ru OR webproxy.ru/
2)In URL blank box of proxy site Paste contest link:
3)Click Go/Russian word buttons OR just Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Choose random answers for all questions
6)Click Enter competition button, Wait till page loads again,
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Necklace should be in a Starplaza bag in your Beauty Parlor

Free Chair

1)Log in and Go this contest :
2)Create scenery (or just put a random item) and Click Save button
Chair should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

Free Stardoll 6 year anniversary interior items

1)Log in and Go to this link:
2)Add them to shopping cart and Buy them for 0sd
Interior items should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

3 april 2012

Free Lorus Gift Clock

-If you are from UK - Log in, Go to HERE and Click pink "To Official Site" button
-If you're not from UK - Follow these steps:
1)Go to a UK proxy like:
goproxing.com OR filterskip.com OR slygeek.com/ OR notaproxy.co.uk OR uhuf.com
2)Paste this contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3)Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4)Log in Stardoll
5)Scroll Down and Click on "To Official Site" button
You will be redirected to Loruswatches site
6)Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual
Clock should be in a Lorus bag in your suite

31 maart 2012

Free Whiskers

~If you are from Portugal- Log in and enter THIS competition.
~If you're not from Portugal- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Portuguese proxy like
stardoll-blog.eu/ (thanks to Starjenni12)OR proxy.cstools.net OR proxy-pt.stardoll-blog.de
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Fill in the blank spaces with anything
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The whiskers should be in a Starplaza box in your suite.

Free Piggy

-If you live in UK/USA/Canada/Ireland/Australia/India/New Zealand, Log in and Enter THIS contest-If you don't live in there, Follow these steps
1)Go USA proxy like:
webwarper.net/ OR dontfilter.us/ OR proxoin.com OR speedyaccess.info/ OR proxite.us
2)Scroll down till the blank box with http://, Paste this contest link right in there
3)Click Go
4)Log in stardoll
5)Answer all the questions - can be random answers or you can try guessing
6)Click Enter Competition button, Wait till page loads with text - Your contest entry has been submitted
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Pig should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

29 maart 2012

Free Million Dollar Mates Cat

-If you live in UK - Log in and Join MDM club HERE
-If you don't live in UK Follow these steps:
1)Go to UK proxy like
filterskip.com/ OR slygeek.com/ OR unblocker.biz/ ORmilitaryprox.info/ OR uhuf.com OR goproxing.com
2)Paste stardoll link into the blank box of the proxy site
3)Click Go OR just Hit Enter
4)Log in stardoll, Wait till page loads
5)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Cat should be in a Million Dollar Mates bag in your suite

Free Globe

~If you are from Russia- Log in and enter a contest HERE.
~If you're not from Russia- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to this Russian proxy
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click the green button on the right of the box or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Create a scenery and Save it for the competition.
6. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text.
7. You can now leave the proxy and Go to Stardoll as usual.
The globe should be in a Starplaza box in your suite

Free Donald/Goofy/Mickey/Minnie/Pluto poster

Unfortunately, you can get only one of these 5 posters. And get ready for a lot of steps, because this is another scavenger hunt on Stardoll! :)

~If you are from the UK - Folllow the steps below, just don't use a proxy.
~If you're not from the UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like:
3xover.us OR youtube-proxy.biz OR fishproxy.com ORuhuf.com
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
7. You should see Donald on the right of the page, click on it. You will be redirected to the Xbox Kinect club page.
8. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
9. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
10. You should see Goofy on the right of the page, click on it. You will be redirected to the Xbox Kinect club page.
11. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
12. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
13. You should see Minnie on the left of the page, click on it. You will be redirected to the Xbox Kinect club page.
14. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
15. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
16. You should see Pluto on the right of the page, click on it. You will be redirected to the Xbox Kinect club page.
17. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
18. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
19. You should see Mickey on the right of the page, click on it. You will be redirected to the Xbox Kinect club page.
20. Now scroll down a bit and you should see this:

21. Choose ONE poster you like the most and click Pick Me button.
22. After clicking you should see this:

23. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The poster should be in a Kinect Disneyland bag in your suite

Free Xbox Disney Poster

~If you are from the UK - Log in and click HERE.
~If you're not from the UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like:
filterskip.com OR notaproxy.co.uk OR uhuf.com
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
7. You will be redirected to Kincect Disneyland site, wait till it fully loads.
The poster should be in a Kinect Disneyland bag in your suite.

Free Earth Hour Bag

1. Click HERE and Log in to Stardoll

2. Now Click HERE

3. Scroll down a bit, you should see this box and text:

4. Tick the box.

You should find the bag in an Earth Hour bag in your suite.

Free Facebook Like-O-Meter Glasses

1st step

First of all, you need to connect your Stardoll account with your Facebook. If you've already connected them, read the 2nd step.
1. Log in to your Facebook and Stardoll accounts
2. Go to My account page by clicking HERE
3. Scroll down to the end of the page until you find Facebook logo
4. Click Connect to Facebook

5. A pop-up widow will appear, after clicking Allow button it will disappear, Stardoll page will reload.
6. You should see You are now connected to Facebook! text.
7. Click Save Settings Button

2nd step

1. Log in to Facebook
2. Click HERE and like the Stardoll page if you haven't done that already.

3rd step

1. Click HERE
2. Wait till page loads. You should see a gift-o-meter.

3. Click Accept This Gift button:

4. You will be redirected to the Stardoll app
You should find the glasses in a Facebook bag in your suite.

The other gifts will be available when Stardoll reaches the required number of likes.

27 maart 2012

Free Hawaii Hair Flower

-If you are from Indonesia - Log in, And Enter THIS competion-If you're not from Indonesia - Follow these steps:
1)Go to this Indonesia proxy:
2)Paste this contest link into the blue box of the proxy site
3)Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4)Log in Stardoll
5)Choose random answers for all 7 questions and Click Enter Competition button
6)Wait till page loads. You should see contest page without questions anymore
7)Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual
Flower should be in a Starplaza bag in your Beauty Parlor

25 maart 2012

Free Piccing Gift Dress

This is available in all countries.
Fist of all, you need to find and copy your user ID:
1. Click HERE and log in to Stardoll
2. Click on the link below
3. Copy the UserID (everyone has a unique one)

4. Write this link into your URL/link bar:
5. Type your username instead of the word 'username' in the link
6. Now paste your UserID instead of the '0' in the link
For example, the link should look like this:
7. Hit Enter and wait till page loads
8. A registration form should pop-up. Fill in the blank spaces with fake information (the e-mail should have a valid ending, for example: kjhjlg@mail.com)
9. Once you have filled all the fields, click the green Join Piccing button.
10. If you've done everything correctly, the registration form will disappear and you'll see a bunch of photos.
11. You can now close the page and go to Stardoll as usual.
The dress should be in a Piccing bag in your suite.

Free Boomerang Gift Jacket

~ If you are from Brazil - Log in and join a club by clicking HERE.
~ If you're not from Brazil - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Brazilian proxy like:
brazilunblock.info OR brazilsurf.info OR brazilproxy.com ORfreewebsurf.info
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Wait till page loads. You should automatically join the club.
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The jacket should be in a Pretty Little Liars bag in your suite

Free Piccing Gift Dress

This is available in all countries.
Fist of all, you need to find and copy your user ID:
1. Click HERE and log in to Stardoll
2. Click on the link below
3. Copy the UserID (everyone has a unique one)
4. Write this link into your URL/link bar:
5. Type your username instead of the word 'username' in the link
6. Now paste your UserID instead of the '0' in the link
For example, the link should look like this:
7. Hit Enter and wait till page loads
8. A registration form should pop-up. Fill in the blank spaces with fake information (the e-mail should have a valid ending, for example: kjhjlg@mail.com)
9. Once you have filled all the fields, click the green Join Piccing button.
10. If you've done everything correctly, the registration form will disappear and you'll see a bunch of photos.
11. You can now close the page and go to Stardoll as usual.
The dress should be in a Piccing bag in your suite.

Free Boomerang Gift Jacket

~ If you are from Brazil - Log in and join a club by clicking HERE.
If you're not from Brazil - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Brazilian proxy like:
brazilunblock.info OR brazilsurf.info OR brazilproxy.com ORfreewebsurf.info
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Wait till page loads. You should automatically join the club.
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The jacket should be in a Pretty Little Liars bag in your suite

19 maart 2012

Free Mirror Mirror Dress

-If you are from UK - Log in, Go to video HERE and Click about 02:00 on it's timeline to see the end of the video and you'll have the dress [:
-If you're not from UK - Follow these steps:
1)Go to a UK proxy like:
slygeek.com/ OR uhuf.com/ OR docoja.com/blue/
2)Paste the video link into the blank box of the proxysite
3)Hit Enter on your keyboard
4)Log in Stardoll
5)Click about 02:00 on video's timeline to see the end of the video
6)Watch those few seconds then, Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual
Dress should be in a Mirror Mirror bag in your suite

Free Mirror Mirror Free Mirror Mirror

-If you are from UK - Log in, And Enter THIS competion
-If you're not from UK - Follow these steps:
1)Go to a UK proxy like:
filterskip.com OR slygeek.com/ OR notaproxy.co.uk ORuhuf.com 
2)Paste this contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3)Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4)Log in Stardoll
5)Choose APPLE answer and Click Enter Competitionbutton
6)Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted'
7)Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual
Mirror should be in a Mirror Mirror (sounds silly, but that's how it really is :D) bag in your suite

Free Natura Faces Perfume

~ If you are from Brazil - Log in and click HERE.
If you're not from Brazil - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Brazilian proxy like:
brazilunblock.info OR brazilsurf.info OR brazilproxy.com ORfreewebsurf.info
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
7. Wait till page loads. You should be redirected to an other page.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The perfume should be in a Natura Faces bag in your suite